Effective treatment of sciatica pain

Professional treatment

We start from your symptoms and history, make an individual assessment and treat the cause of your pain.

We help gently and effectively by removing the cause of yours Sciatica

Do you have sciatica pain?

Sciatica pain can be localized to the back, buttocks or legs and vary in intensity. If the pain goes all the way down the foot, the symptoms can be confused with a disc prolapse/protrusion. For some, the pain is relieved by movement and for others, it is best to sit or lie in a certain way. The pain may have occurred suddenly or may have crept in.
Sciatica pain occurs due to pressure on the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back and tailbone through the buttocks and supplies the leg with nerves.Both local pain and sensory disturbances down the back of the thigh can occur.

Some of the typical reasons for affecting the sciatic nerve are:

  • Increased tension in the piriformis muscle, which presses on the nerve
  • A "crooked pelvis" which strains the nerves
  • Increased abdominal pressure by e.g. pregnancy

This is what we do

We use a gentle technique to find the cause of your symptoms in the nervous system. There is no kinking or twisting related to the treatment. You will often be able to feel pain relief at the first treatment and thereby begin to move normally again.

You can do this yourself

The body is made for movement. Therefore, you must move as much as you can. Whether it's going for a short walk every day or just getting out of bed, do it.If it is the piriformis muscle that is sore, stretching can relieve the pain briefly and provide some relief.

We help gently and effectively by removing the cause of yours Sciatica

The sciatic nerve

The sciatic nerve is formed by several branches from the lower lumbar vertebrae and tailbone, and accumulates into a thick nerve, which runs through the small pelvis and under the piriformis muscle. At approx. 10-15% (1) is its progression through and below the muscle, making the nerve more affected by the tension in the piriformism muscle. It runs down the back of the thigh where it supplies the muscles with nerve signals and divides after the knee into two branches, which innervates the outside of the lower leg and foot with nerve signals. Problems with the sciatica can therefore give symptoms down the leg and to the foot, like a herniated disc.

Treatment method

We use muscle tests to find out which muscles your nervous system has difficulty using and which muscles compensate for this. It is often an imbalance in the nervous system, which affects muscle balance and gives you pain.In the same way, a "crooked pelvis" could be due to a muscular imbalance, which, when corrected, gives the joint free movement and you less pain, so that you can once again walk, run, work or simply enjoy your pregnancy. 

It is important to have a professional assessment of the causes of the pain, to rule out nerve pressure at spinal level and find the cause of your sciatica pain.

1) https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/piriformis-muscle1